Curriculum » Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

CASEL WheelCASEL Framework and SEL
Hermosa Beach City School School District is committed to embedding the CASEL 5 Social Emotional Competencies within academic instruction so every student can increase prosocial skills, executive function capacity, empathy, and enhances higher-level critical thinking skills.
The district has been a forerunner in the implementation of social-emotional learning. In 2012, HBCSD was an early adopter of the MindUp curriculum, which became a part of our elementary academic landscape. The district continues to evaluate our SEL curriculum and has recently introduced Second Step into our social-emotional learning repertoire. 


Second Step


Second Step is an evidence-based curriculum which provides instruction in social and emotional learning with units on skills for learning, empathy, emotion management, friendship skills, and problem solving. Second Step uses four key strategies to reinforce skill development: brain-builder games (to build executive function), weekly theme activities, reinforcing activities, and home links. Second Step is used as a Tier 1 intervention through classroom lessons taught by our school counselors in our schools.

Playbook by Panorama EducationPlaybook by Panorama Education
HBCSD implemented the Panorama Education surveys in the 2020-2021 school year. The Panorama platform includes a "playbook" that allows educators to have access to hundreds of interactive lesson plans and activities that promote SEL skills, student well-being, and academic success in a variety of learning environments. Playbook also includes resources engaging families with activities to foster social and emotional development and implementing school-wide practices to prioritize SEL instruction at HBCSD.