Curriculum » English Language Development (ELD)

English Language Development (ELD)

HBCSD English Language Development (ELD) Program
The English Learner coordinator at HBCSD provides assistance to school sites regarding ELD, administers the English Proficiency Assessments (ELPAC), teaches before and after school ELD intervention, facilitates ELAC meetings, and provides support to English Learners and their families.
Contact Erin Infusino, HBCSD EL Coordinator, if you have questions regarding our ELD program at [email protected].
ELA/ELD Framework
2014 English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework
The 2014 ELA/ELD Framework has been developed to support and incorporate the California Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy) and the California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards). The California State Board of Education adopted the ELA/ELD Framework on July 9, 2014. This is the final digital version of the ELA/ELD Framework.
Executive Summary: English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework (Dated September 2015) - The executive summary provides a glimpse into the ELA/ELD Framework and the guidance it provides for educators, including descriptive snapshots and vignettes of grade-level instruction.
Imagine Learning
Imagine Learning is a great resource for our students who are developing their English Language and literacy skills. The program addresses a multitude of skills for reading foundations and comprehension. EL students may access Imagine Learning by accessing the single sign-on: