Student Health Services » Required Forms & Resources

Required Forms & Resources

School Required Forms

It’s essential that all school-required forms are submitted prior to your child starting at our Hermosa Schools. Below are the required forms:

  • HBCSD Over the Counter Medication Form: Students who are required to be administered medication at school must have this form completed by a physician and on file in the school office.
  • HBCSD Oral Health Notification Letter and HBCSD Oral Health Assessment Form: Students must have a dental check-up by May 31 of his/her first year in public school. A California licensed dental professional operating within his scope of practice must perform the check-up and fill out Section 2 of this form.
  • HBCSD Physician Release to Return to School Form: This form must be completed for:
    • A student returns to school with a cast, crutches, wheelchair, or orthopedic appliances.
    • A student after a surgical procedure, overnight hospitalization, or a serious illness requiring 5 or more days of illness.
    • A student is to be excused from physical education/playground activities for more than 3 days in a row.

Parents/Guardians who volunteer at our Hermosa Schools are required to complete a Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Form. Please go to your local healthcare provider to have this completed.

