HVS Office Procedures
![HVS Office Procedures](https://3.files.edl.io/eeb6/22/08/10/230427-a21856f1-a107-4f8a-8482-4ce0452e4f35.png)
We Care About You!
The Hermosa View, Vista, and Valley Schools Office Staff are dedicated to serving our students, parents, and staff in a friendly and professional manner. Our primary objectives are:
- To ensure the safety of all students.
- To maintain the smooth, orderly, and positive functioning of the educational program.
- To limit interruptions or disturbances inside and outside the classrooms.
Plan Ahead
Please plan each night before school and help students pack all items and homework that they will need for the day. Be sure to mark any personal items and clothes with a permanent marker. Don’t forget a snack and lunch!
Lunch/Item Drop Off
Forgotten snacks, lunches, and jackets may be dropped off in the office for students to pick up during recess or lunch. The office will not accept food from food delivery services.
After School Plans
Have a plan each day for what students are doing after school. Please discuss with your child their daily after school plan and have a backup plan if things change. Only adults authorized on your child’s emergency card will be allowed to pick up your child after school. Be sure to keep all phone numbers current in PowerSchool. The office will not deliver personal messages except in a dire emergency. Plan ahead and be prepared.
Absence Verification
If your child is absent from school, please report their absence online. It is important that students are only absent for unavoidable circumstances, such as illness, as frequent absences disrupt learning. Additionally, our District loses approximately $68 in state funding per day per student absence.
If a student arrives at school after the start time, they are required to check in at the school office to obtain a tardy pass. Please remember how important it is to be on time for class each day. Arriving even a few minutes late disrupts learning for your child and for the entire class. Thank you for making this a priority.
Student Sign Out
If you need to check your child out during school hours, please report to the school office (not the classroom). An office staff member will have the teacher send your child to the office. Students may only be signed out by a parent or adult on their emergency card. If your student is returning to campus that day, please notify the teacher and the office staff. Your child must sign back in when they arrive back on campus. Please remember to avoid recess and lunch times. If you come during these times, your student will be called to the office after recess/lunch.
Visitor/Volunteer Check-In/Out
All visitors and volunteers on campus are required to sign in at the front office and wear a visitor’s badge. This supports a safe and secure campus and identifies the purpose of a visitor’s time on campus.
Volunteers are also required to complete the HBCSD Volunteer & Confidentiality Agreement and Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Questionnaire before beginning to volunteer in classrooms. These procedures help us keep our campuses safe and assist us in knowing who is on campus at all times. Thank you for helping us in this matter. We are so pleased to have volunteers every day here at school.
Please note: Siblings are NOT permitted during volunteer opportunities.
Office Phone Use
Students may not use the office phone to make after-school plans. Please make these plans before school. If you will be delayed at pick-up time or you are authorizing another person to pick up your child, please call the office. We will also require this authorization in writing (or by email). Your child will wait for you or your designated person in the office.
Please notify your school’s Health Specialist if your child’s physician prescribes medication that must be taken during school hours and deliver it to the health office yourself. Never send medication to school with your child. Written orders from a doctor are required, and medication must be in the original container with the child’s name and dosage.
Home/School Communication
School and classroom newsletters are emailed to you weekly. Please make sure your contact information is up to date in PowerSchool. You may email your teacher or leave a voicemail, accessing that teacher’s extension through the office’s number at Hermosa View (424) 333-9950, Hermosa Vista (424) 333-9960, or Hermosa Valley (424) 333-9970. Please allow for a 48-hour response time.
It is critical that the home and cell numbers on your child’s PowerSchool emergency card remain current for emergency purposes.
If your child would like meals provided by the school, families must preorder a breakfast (served during snack) or lunch through Meal Magic. Breakfast and lunch menus are available online. Students without lunch should report to the office at lunchtime. Alternatively, students may bring snacks and/or lunch — remember, no glass containers, candy, or sodas, please.
Forgotten Homework?
If a student forgets homework or items needed in class, please do not bring them to school. The office will not disrupt class or leave messages for teachers. Thank you for understanding and for assisting your child in developing personal responsibility.
The school offices will NOT deliver personal messages to students. If there is an emergency, please contact the school office, and we will assist in any way possible. Please remember an emergency means a true emergency - and not forgotten homework or a change in after-school plans. If you are delayed for pick-up or want another adult to pick up your child, we will do our best to inform the teacher/student after school. We will NOT deliver messages to the classrooms during school time. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation and for helping us keep learning time uninterrupted. Students who are unsure of where to go are encouraged to come to the front office.
Instructional Time
School instructional time is golden. Please help us keep our school campuses quiet during school hours, and remember that not all students are dismissed at the same time. Please be courteous.
Student Cell Phones/Smartwatches
Parents may choose to allow their child to store a cell phone and/or smartwatch in a backpack while on campus. They are to remain off and zipped away throughout the entire school day. Hermosa Beach City School District is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones or smartwatches. Misuse of cell phones and smartwatches on campus may result in the cell phone and/or smartwatch being confiscated and disciplinary consequences assigned. Do not attempt to contact your child during the school day. Any messages for your child need to be directed to the front office.
Campus Access
The Hermosa View, Vista, and Valley Schools are not open to the public during school hours, and dogs are not permitted on the grounds on or off their leashes at any time. The campuses and playgrounds are closed to playgroups/caregivers between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM.