Educational Services » Short-Term Independent Study

Short-Term Independent Study

While students are strongly encouraged to attend school consistently, exceptions are made for absences due to illness, family emergencies, or special events that require travel outside the area. To avoid penalties for these absences, students must complete assigned work during the period of their absence through a short-term independent study contract, which must adhere to strict California State guidelines to qualify as an excused absence.

A short-term independent study contract offers a voluntary alternative to the regular classroom program of instruction when a student is absent for three (3) or more school days.
Please note that schools are not required to offer short-term independent study contracts to students. The availability of this option depends on the mutual agreement of the principal, teacher, parent/guardian, and student. A short-term independent study contract is only appropriate for students who can successfully manage their academic responsibilities during their absence.
Parents must apply for a short-term independent study contract at the school attendance office at least five (5) school days before the first day of the planned absence. In the event of an emergency, please contact the principal. Approval from the site principal is required for all independent study contracts.
A written short-term independent study contract must be completed, signed, and dated for each participating student prior to the independent study's start date. 
Each student's short-term independent study contract shall be coordinated, evaluated, and carried out under the general supervision of a certificated teacher.
All assigned work is due on the day the student is scheduled to return to the classroom and will be graded by appropriately credentialed teachers.  