Educational Services » Educational Services

Educational Services

HBCSD Educational Services is committed to supporting every student Thrive K-Life.  We do this by meeting the rigorous expectations of California curriculum standards, providing powerful classroom instruction and experiences, supporting students with effective intervention strategies based on “best practices” and research, along with providing relevant educational activities. We are focused on the whole child and have prioritized the social-emotional, wellness, and physical well-being of all students throughout the district. 
Educational Services supports teaching and learning programs at the school sites in HBCSD. Our primary goal is to assist school site teachers and teacher leaders in the delivery of high-quality learning environments. In addition to oversight of curriculum and instruction, Educational Services is responsible for professional development, assessment and accountability, categorical programs, selection of instructional materials, as well as the facilitation of various community partnerships.
Complaint students working in class data Students from around the world
Complaint Procedures Curriculum Data and Assessment EL Master Plan & ELAC
Kids in a classroom Foster parent and child kid doing schoolwork at home empty classroom
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Foster/Homeless Youth Independent Study Inter-District Attendance Permits
LCAP counselor helping a student different students Music Class
LCAP Mental Health
Proposition 28 -
Arts & Music in Schools
report card child smelling rose kids playing outside  
Report Cards
Special Education/504 Plans
Student Health Services