Equity & Inclusion Dashboard » Equity & Inclusion Dashboard 2021-2022

Equity & Inclusion Dashboard 2021-2022

Overview of HBCSD's DashboardHBCSD Equity & Inclusion Dashboard Logo
The District's Equity & Inclusion Dashboard compiles district data in an objective way and allows for reporting in disaggregation format. This data allows for comparison across various student characteristics or attributes. The Equity Dashboard is intended as a tool to assist in understanding where inequities may exist.
The three areas of focus on the district's dashboard align with the 2021-2022 LCAP Goals:
  • Achievement for All
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Social Emotional Wellness 
The data collected for the HBCSD comes from various sources: student surveys, diagnostic assessments, formative assessments, summative assessments, and district administered benchmarks.
To learn more about the data shared in this dashboard you may view the following presentations:
HBCSD 2021 Demographics
Student Group Total Percentage
English Learners 23 1.9%
Foster Youth 1 0.1%
Homeless 1 0.1%
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 69 5.8%
Students with Disabilities 123 10.3%
Race/Ethnicity Total Percentage
African American 17 1.4%
American Indian 5 0.4%
Asian 68 5.7%
Filipino 2 0.2%
Hispanic 153 12.8%
Two or More Races 141 11.8%
Pacific Islander 6 0.5%
White 804 67.1%
Data taken from the California Dashboard
Attendance Rates for 2021-22 School Year
  Tk-2nd Grades 3rd-5th Grades 6th-8th Grade
Trimester 1 96% 95% 96%
Trimester 2 95% 96% 95%
Trimester 3 92.4% 93.1% 93.27%
Achievement for All
2021-2022 iReady Diagnostic Data 
ELA at or above grade level
Math at or above grade level
Diagnostic Assessment: iReady Diagnostic provides teachers with a complete picture of student performance related to their grade level and national norms. 
2021-2022 iReady Diagnostic: Overall Achievement by Demographics
ELA Demographics
Demographics Math
Diagnostic Assessment: iReady Diagnostic provides teachers with a complete picture of student performance related to their grade level and national norms
2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
Summative Assessment: CAASPP is used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period (i.e., End of the year).  CAASPP was not administered in 2020 & 2021 due to COVID-19 due to school closures.
Overall Achievement by Grade Level
Grade level math
Overall Achievement by Demographics
ELA Subroups
Math Subgroups
Fountas and Pinnell Formative Reading Assessment
F&P School Year 2021-2022
Formative Reading Assessment: The F&P benchmark assessment system is a formative reading assessment that measures decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills for students: determining student's developmental reading levels for the purpose of instruction
Diversity and Inclusion Data
Panorama Diversity and Inclusion Survey
Measures how diverse, integrated, and fair school is for students from different races, ethnicities, and cultures.
Diversity and Inclusion

Percent Favorable= Represented the percentage of respondents who selected a favorable or "positive" answer choice.


*Note: for the 2020-2021 school year, students in grades 6-8 were surveyed in February 2021, and students in grades 3-5 were surveyed in April 2021. Therefore, we do not have a district-wide favorable score for the 2020-2021 school year
Social Emotional Wellness Data
Panorama Social Emotional Learning Survey: Sense of Belonging
Measures how much students feel that they are a valued member of the school community.
Sense of Belonging

Percent Favorable = Represented the percentage of respondents who selected a favorable or "positive" answer choice.


*Note: for the 2020-2021 school year, students in grades 6-8 were surveyed in February 2021, and students in grades 3-5 were surveyed in April 2021.  Therefore, we do not have a district-wide favorable score for the 2020-2021 school year.
California Health Kids Survey (CHKS): February 2022

HBCSD administered the Core Module to student 5th-7th grade students, which consists of key questions that are considered most important for the school to guide the improvement of academic, health, and prevention programs and promote student achievement, positive development, and well-being.    


Below you will find results that focus on school climate, connectedness, and learning environment.

School supports

+ Average percent of respondents reporting “Yes, most of the time” or “Yes all the time”

# The scale was based on five survey questions for in-school respondents

You may review the CHKS data in its entirety:

CHKS: 5th Grade Survey Results

CHKS: 6th-7th Grade Survey Results


To learn more about CHKS please click here.